Monday, February 22, 2010

Review Session and Class Scribe

Just Announced...Mr Lyons has cancelled all after school activities for Tuesday, February 23. As a result, I will be unable to conduct a review session on that day. Unfortunately, there will not be any days before the test on Thursday to conduct the review session as Wednesday is a "Wake Wednesday" meaning students depart at 1:28 pm and teacher will be in meetings until 2:45. I am truly disappointed in this change of schedule, I was looking forward to a review session as I believe many student will benefit from them. However, I plan on conducting review sessions regularly after school - most likely weekly , if possible. Please be on the lookout for an announcement to such ends.

Also, I am looking for someone to help during class time with recording the period's activities in a notebook so that absent students will easily be able to find their makeup work and agenda for the days they missed. Your "application" is due to me by Friday (a hand written paragraph why you are the best person for the job). I will discuss it further in class.