Sunday, March 21, 2010

Week of 22 March 2010

This is officially the last full week before Spring Break. I understand that some families have had plans already made prior to March 29 being announced as a make-up day. As a result, it is my plan to not have any tests or quizzes on Monday, March 29. This week we will have a test on Unit 4A. It will either be on Wednesday, for periods 2 & 4, or Thursday for period 1. Please be sure you are prepared for that.

After the test we will watch a classic movie, Mr. Smith Goes to Washington (watch the trailer below). Although this movie is quite old (1939) it does a fantastic job of illustrating the potential for corruption within Congress and political machines. We will then begin Unit 4B: Executive and Judicial Branches. I do not anticipate we will get too far in that unit as I do not want to do too much that will be forgotten over the break.