Sunday, April 18, 2010

Week of 19 April 2010

I hope everyone has had a chance to visit the new page added the website: Quarter 4 Handouts. The link will be in the "Handouts" section on each page from here on out. It will make it easier to determine what assignments were handed out to which class, when, and when and if they were collected. Take a look.

This week we will be working on the next set of Landmark Supreme Court Cases. These cases go beyond the 1st Amendment; they involve due process found in the rest of the Bill of Rights. Next week we will research Supreme Court Cases involving the remaining amendments. Remember, in a couple of weeks (exact date to be determined) we will have a BIG quiz in which the students will be able to use their notes from these online cases during the quiz if, AND ONLY IF, they are completely cut and pasted into place, on all three charts! If they all are not completed, the student will not be allowed to use any of their charts.

This week we have an early release day on Wednesday - not the normal "Wake Wednesday" but an actual 2-hour early release. No lunch will be served that day and the students will be dismissed from school at 12:28pm.